Building Traffic for your blog is simply an amazing platform to blog and one of my favorite web 2.0 blogging platform. Hats off to all those developers at for creating such a marvelous online blogging software with the magic of PHP. It’s truly amazing and I wish that everyone in the world must at-least have one blog.

Now once you make a blog it’s important to popularize your blog so that more and more people all around the country visit your blog. The amount to incoming and outgoing connections that are formed due to visiting your blog is called “TRAFFIC”. Thus the more TRAFFIC you have on your blog stats, the more are your chances to get popular around  the world. Here are some of the simple tricks that has always worked for me. Continue reading

Farmville ~ "The age of Digital Farmers"

Love Farmville Banner

Profile Picture of my Facebook Account

Farmville is an online multiplayer game on Facebook which allows you make your own farms. It is so addictive that once you start playing with your friends, you will feel like playing it everyday. Greatest advantage with this game is that you can play it anywhere, anytime on any system. If you have got an iPhone,  it’s a real treat for you; as it too supports Farmville. I became so obsessed by this game, that I had to make a profile picture itself for my Facebook Account. One you start playing, you will feeling like sitting with it all day and night ploughing, seeding, harvesting crops, trees, etc. The main forms of attraction are the cute animals that you either can buy from the market or get as a reward using COINS or FARMVILLE CASH. But what makes FarmVille addictive ? Continue reading

How to learn new foreign Languages free of cost ?


Learning new languages has always been fun. Most of the people around the world who learns new languages needs to pay something to the organisation which could be offline located at some specific place or online. Get ready as I reveal, one of the best technique to enroll yourself in a language learning program and that is also free of cost. But in this case you too will be acting like a teacher and teach the other partner while he/she does the same. As a result, you will learn a foreign language and your partner too.

But how all of these are going to be possible ?
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Are we SECURE on Internet in India ?

Firstly I would like to thank the whole team of TechGuru to put up such a great episode about online security. Apart from all of these issues mentioned in the video, I would like to add so more fear into the eyes of the people of India, India is such a country where Google Search Globe shows a continuous activity present almost 24 hours a day.

Google Search Globe Screenshot

Google Search Globe Screenshot

With my past experiences and several series of incidents that I have seen happening within my friends circle is pretty shocking.

I come from a Computer background and using it since 1995. I have seen computers turning from a small child to a young teenager which could be the time right now. And hacking has always been a vital problem with all of the computer systems. At the age of 24 I have seen more than a million attacks experienced by me along with my friends who are even today struggling to make their systems safer.

At the end of the day it is not possible to stop the hackers from stealing information but yes we can become educated so that it is possible to put a lock in our account.

Well what is not mentioned in the video is that viruses have become equally intelligent as we do. Viruses are small codes of programs or in simple words “lines written in computer programming languages that makes a software to harm your systems”. These have later evolved and modified themselves for different purposes which gave birth to Spyware, Malware, Trojans, etc. I am not going into details of these forms of virus as you can find lots of information about them on the internet.

But what makes these viruses nowadays special ?
The answer lies in the self modifying code of these virus which can change from one form to another form to suite the environmental needs of the targeted computer system/mobile device. These viruses, if they seem to get predicted by the any normal Antivirus Software as the intrusion targets, a firewall, or a security software that tries to block it, it changes it’s form instantly. And it continuously struggles with the security software to break the security and enter the device.