Farmville ~ "The age of Digital Farmers"

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Farmville is an online multiplayer game on Facebook which allows you make your own farms. It is so addictive that once you start playing with your friends, you will feel like playing it everyday. Greatest advantage with this game is that you can play it anywhere, anytime on any system. If you have got an iPhone,  it’s a real treat for you; as it too supports Farmville. I became so obsessed by this game, that I had to make a profile picture itself for my Facebook Account. One you start playing, you will feeling like sitting with it all day and night ploughing, seeding, harvesting crops, trees, etc. The main forms of attraction are the cute animals that you either can buy from the market or get as a reward using COINS or FARMVILLE CASH. But what makes FarmVille addictive ? Continue reading

How to remain SECURE on Internet ?

In India still we can find people who are technically challenged and don’t know exactly what they are doing on Internet or what is happening behind their  back. At your back you might be followed by millions of eyes every second. In a world where we are living today on Internet it is not surprising that the world of pirated software infringe our system’s security every second. May be we are responsible for our own security issues and that might be the sole reason why your Antivirus Software that you have bought no more works with your system at 100% efficiency.

You might find a pirated copy of a very good paid software free  of cost but have you ever imagined why you get that same paid software free of cost ? Continue reading